Push Helm v3 Charts to Azure Container Registry

Azure DevOps Pipeline scriptsteps: - checkout: self clean: true - template: version.azure-pipelines.yml parameters: directory: bckeda-rabbitmq - task: HelmInstaller@0 displayName: ⤵ Instal Helm CLI inputs: helmVersion: '3.8.0' installKubectl: false - task: HelmDeploy@0 displayName: 📦 Pack Helm Chart inputs: command: 'package' chartPath: '$(workingDirectory)' chartVersion: '$(Version)…

DevOps YouTube Channels

So, about a year ago I've started my official journey with DevOps. Beside all the other resources available on the Internet where I seek guidence in my every day tasks, major part of them are YouTube channels.YouTube channels are, in my opinion, best way to get started or just…

Upload package to Octopus Built-in feed with PowerShell

Although, Octopus docs describes how to do both with REST API and Octopus.Client, I think there are better ways to do it. I also use PowerShell, but the whole script is much shorter. $Headers = @{ "X-Octopus-ApiKey" = $env:OctopusAPIKEY } $FormData = @{ fileData = Get-ChildItem "bckeda-rabbitmq-hpa-0.1.0.tgz" } # Upload…

Blackbox Debugging Linux Programs

While working out the way with OpenSSL I stumbled on several things.Fortunately, I've come across this GitHub issue which mentioned one of the debugging utilities called strace.strace is a diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux. It is used to monitor and tamper with interactions between processes…

Pass args to F#/C# Scripts

Octopus, beside PowerShell and Bash scripts, can also run F# and C# scripts.For F# scripting is something natural, functional paradigm nicely fits into scripting approach as it does not include Circular Dependency. F# scripts can be saved as .fsx files and run from console.C#, hovewer, is Object Oriented…